5 Most In-Demand Programming Languages

George P Nyamanga
4 min readJul 14, 2022

If you are a newbie in the software development field, the major challenge you are likely to face when selecting programming languages is deciding where to start. More than 600 programming languages are in widespread use, and each language has its own complexities and characteristics.

Also, if you are new to programming, it is important to note that each programming language has different roles, and understanding each programming language in detail is often beneficial.

This article will look at the best and five most in-demand programming languages you should consider learning as a beginner.

Let’s dive in:


It is a relatively new programming language first announced by Apple in 2014, and it is mostly used to develop iOS and macOS applications. It was mainly designed to replace Objective-C in the Mac and iOS platforms.

Swift performance has been optimized and built from scratch to match the actualities of modern iOS development. Swift has a highly readable syntax, runs codes quickly, and can be used for both client-side and sever side development.


It can only be used on newer versions of iOS 7, and it might not operate on older applications.

Because it is a new programming language, the code can be unstable on some occasions.

Its third party resources are not readily available for programmers.

Main areas applied

  • iOS app development
  • Deep learning
  • System programming
  • Client-side development (done via web assembly)


Like Swift, Go is another programming language developed in the last decade. Also, like swift, it was also created by a tech giant, Google.

Go is the best programming language for engineers who are looking forward to starting a career in the field of system programming. Its functions are almost similar to programming languages such as C and C++ without the difficult syntax and steep learning curve.


It has not gained world popularity.

It has not included a library for graphical user interfaces.

Main areas applied

  • System programming
  • Server-less computing
  • Business applications
  • Cloud-native development


Python is regarded as one of the most user-friendly programming languages. It is often said that it’s easy to learn due to its simple syntax, a large library of standards, and tool kits, and it is easy to integrate with other programming languages such as C and C++. These friendly features make it a popular choice for beginners.

Just like java, python has a range of applications that makes it powerful and more adaptable when choosing some of the best programming languages to use. For instance, if you are interested in back end development, then the open-source Django framework may be the best. Why? Because it is written in python language, a popular programming language that is easy to learn and rich in features. Django has been used in the development of popular sites such as Spotify and Instagram.

Additionally, python has NumPy and SciPy packages that are frequently used in mathematics, engineering, and scientific computing fields. Some of its common libraries, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, sci-kit learn, and opera CV, are used in building programs in data science, image processing, machine learning, and computer processing.


It is not the best programming language for mobile app development.

Main areas applied

  • Data science
  • Enterprise application
  • Web development
  • Data analytics
  • Artificial intelligence and deep learning


JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages these days; as a software developer, this is one of the programming languages you understand best. According to a 2019 Developer Survey, Stack Overflow found that JavaScript has been the most popular language among developers for the last seven years.

Just like HTML and CSS, JavaScript is also useful in front-end web development. A majority of popular social sites ranging from Twitter and Facebook to Gmail and YouTube rely on JavaScript to come up with interactive web pages that are easy to navigate through.

JavaScript is a user-friendly interface with a flexible syntax and works across all major browsers. It is also another friendly programming language for beginners.


Internet browsers can easily disable JavaScript code.

Main areas applied

  • Web development
  • Backend development
  • Mobile app development
  • Serverless computing
  • Browser game development


In 2000, tech giant Microsoft developed a tech language C#. Microsoft originally developed the programming language as part of the .NET framework, which supports the development of Windows applications, browser plug-ins, and mobile devices.

C# (pronounced as C sharp) uses a syntax similar to other C-derived languages that is c and C++; for this reason, it is easier to understand C# if you are coming from another language in the C family. It is also important to note that C# is not only used for Microsoft app development, but it’s also a programming language used by most mobile developers to design cross-platform applications on the Xamariam platform.

Additionally, C# is the most recommended language for building 3d and 2d video games.


It has a steep learning curve, more when it comes to solving errors.

It is not flexible as compared to other c languages such as c++

Main areas applied

  • Server-side development
  • App development
  • Web development
  • Game development
  • Software for windows platform.

Wrap up

When making up your mind on the type of programming language you want to learn, you should be keen and avoid getting caught up in the flashy trends and popularity contests. The best programming languages to learn in 2020 were most likely the best languages to learn in 2018 or 2019, and this will continue to be true for several years to come.

Additionally, programming languages change rapidly; that’s why the languages discussed above will help you have higher bargaining power. Understanding more programming languages will not only position as the best programmer this year but also in the years to come.



George P Nyamanga

George P Nyamanga is a professional Freelance Blogger, Copywriter, Content Writer, and Ghostwriter